Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday, A Day of Rest

We headed to the Basilica of San Juan of the Valley for 10:30 Mass. When we arrived, there was a large sign outlining the new Mass schedule starting today! We were there at 10:03 for a Mass that would begin at 11:00 ... and it would be in Spanish. We used the time to tour around the shrine and observed a lot of rituals that we haven't seen since pre-Vatican II days in the 1950s. There were rows and rows of candles being lit, lines of people waiting to go to confession and many people with plastic jugs to fill with holy water.

Between the English phrases thrown in, the little Spanish I know and the Latin I remember, I was able to keep abreast of the Mass. I simply answered the prayers quietly in English. The cadence of many of the prayers is the same no matter the language. There was at least a dozen members of a mariachi band that played the music. It was quite a "cultural experience."

We came home, had some lunch and were snoozing during the golf tournament on TV when Stella called and asked us to go to the rally hall to play Mexican Train. We were very careful not to get into trouble. A banjo player was coming to entertain and we didn't know if we would be made to leave or pay the $3 to stay. We kept the door to the card room closed and no one bothered us. We finished up just as the ice cream social started. Ted got some ice cream and brought it home for after dinner.

After watching the Amazing Race we had a light dinner and watched a movie before heading to bed.

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