Saturday, April 6, 2024

Different Day, Same Stuff

 Not much going on other than doctor appts.  I have completed 4 ablations with follow up sonograms.  All is going well.  Lots of “sticks” along my leg but the wrapping tightly from foot to thigh is the worst of it.  

I did do a book signing for a Woodlands author with my Forum Sustainers.  What a lovely home!  And food! I bought two books of the 12 she has written but I haven’t started reading them yet.  

Uwe and Anna joined us for Easter dinner.  Smallest one I have ever cooked.  

Easter week was 3 ablation appts snd one PCP 6 month check up.  Everything checks out!  

We are making progress on the yard.  When we did our back fence, our “not good” neighbor wanted no part of having the common fence replaced.  The other side neighbor was agreeable.  We decided to wait on the two common fences until we could get them both done.  Our new neighbors are replacing their fence so our two common ones will get done at the same time and our new fence will be complete.  All neighbors honoring the good neighbor protocol!  

Anna is a sponsor for legal South Africans settling in our area.  This younger couple, both chefs, was not able to bring a lot with them so they are outfitting their new home a little at a time. When Anna said they had served them wine in a plastic yogurt container I had a great idea.  I had my very first set of china, 7 piece place settings, service for 12 plus 36 matching glasses that have not seen the light of day in two decades.  I got them all out of the cupboard above the refrigerator along with a new lidded sauce pot, crockpot, and several platters to help them out.  

Anna wanted to pay me and I told her those beautiful dishes had gone from OH to FL to OH, to MI, to FL again to TX and local moves in between.  One dinner plate and the sugar bowl were the only missing pieces.  I was only too happy to have them put to good use!  

The gentleman was reworking the oval landscape for Anna one day when we came home and we met them for the first time.  The next morning as he was spreading mulch I stopped and told him what a fine job he had done and discussed my wait for sod and cleaning up our plant area.  I thought while he was waiting for an answer on a job application, maybe he would like to earn a few dollars fixing my planted oval.  When I approached Anna she laughed and said he had just told her he wanted  to fix mine up for free if I will buy the plants.  So Tuesday we are going together to buy plants but he will NOT be working for free.  

Ted’s sister in law, Jeanne, died the day before Easter in Phoenix.  She will be buried there April 19 which is her 86th birthday.  I am unable to fly until May 8 so Ted is going alone.  He will get on Terry and Carol’s connecting flight in Houston, rent a car for the 5 of them (2 flying in from Cincinnati) and all stay at the same hotel.  

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I had just purchased theater tickets for the night of April 19 for us thinking the funeral would be the week before!  So I wrote my friend who lost her husband last December.  She said she would love to see The Buddy Holly Story with me.  So she has her first date, with me!  

Next week is Canasta, neighborhood lunch, Shanghai, 5th ablation and sonogram.  Some things never change.  At least our bluebonnets have been consistently beautiful,this year!