Saturday, March 13, 2010

I've Surfaced

It would be so nice if all junk mail disintegrated one day after hitting your mailbox. If you really wanted it, you would have 24 hours to take it out. Otherwise, poof, it would be gone. I had to empty the shredder twice yesterday. And the Medicare thing is heating up in anticipation of my birthday next fall. I already know what I'm going to do so I wish there was a way to shut all that off.

We received a notice from TX Dot that our trailer went through a toll booth without paying. Seems the driver taking it back to Arizona didn't mind whizzing on by. We filled out a form saying we had sold that vehicle so I hope that clears it up. We did receive our new vent and graphic that they owed us for the new rig. Once we change those two things out, Ted will be a happy camper.

I had a nice time at our neighborhood ladies' luncheon on Thursday. Next month is my turn to pick out the restaurant. I have two in mind but I have to check out the feasibility of taking a group of 15 women there who all want separate checks. Not every restaurant is that accommodating.

Afterwards I went to Susan's for a get together but I didn't stay long. I walked with Carol to her house to get our mailbox key. I ended up talking to her and Terry for quite awhile. So we called Ted and asked if he wanted to go to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. We have a hard time getting together with them where we can actually talk so it was a nice evening.

Rebecca cleaned on Friday while I dealt with the mail. Then Sherida called and asked us to go to a St. Patrick shindig at Fleming's Steakhouse. We would have loved to have gone but it's Friday in Lent so we declined but thanked her for the invitation. Ted had salmon croquettes and I had mac and cheese all the time knowing how good Fleming's steaks are. It's a small sacrifice but one we're willing to make just six Fridays a year.

Last night we watched Dateline about a Cincinnati murder where a lady killed her doctor husband. When they recapped her life they said she went to a Catholic high school and my high school came on the screen. How surreal! She grew up in the 50s so I think we're close in age. She was a high school drop out so she didn't graduate from there. I looked at my four year books and she isn't in any of them so I would guess she came after I graduated. I guess she wasn't paying too much attention when they taught us not to kill!

I forgot to tell you all that spring is definitely coming. We found daffodils in bloom at the rest area in Forest City, Arkansas and the Bradford pears and dogwoods were blooming all the way home through Texas. Get those annuals, fertilizer and trowels ready folks.

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