Thursday, October 13, 2016

Less Than A Week to Flight Time

Wednesday I accomplished all l set out to do except for buying birthday cards for the other three neighbor ladies celebrating October birthdays and stopping by the bank to get money for Isabelle.  I was at Sam's signing for my flu shot when my phone rang.  My friend Irene was feeling poorly and wanted me to take her place at Shanghai.  She runs this group and her husband was in town so he had all the stuff that would be needed.  This group of 35-40 meets in a restaurant with dinner served in the middle of play.

I was pretty tired but she sounded so miserable I hurried home, ran a comb through my hair, put on a bit of lipstick, thanked Ted who now had to eat alone and took off.  John was there setting everything up.  The night went well, I won at my table, John bought my dinner and Ted taped Survivor for me.  Ted said he tried a new restaurant in our strip mall and said it was pretty good.  He is a keeper!

I went to the neighborhood luncheon on Thursday where Jeanette brought candy and cupcakes for us all.  I received a stack of birthday cards and a gift from Nancy, our mail lady.  She was wearing the necklace I bought her in Sedona with a turquoise blouse and it looked very nice.  Peggy who has finished cancer treatment was there for the first time in a long time.  She has developed "drop foot" from the chemo treatments and is wearing braces and using a walker.  She is one of the younger ones and it breaks my heart.  I also met our new neighbor, Dana.  Gail is still recovering from her cancer surgery. I have been asked to take dinner to them on Saturday.

Isabelle came while I was gone.  Ted went to the bank to get cash to pay her.  I used 3 birthday cards I had at home for the ladies at lunch since I didn't get to buy specific ones for each lady.  And then I came home to a clean house and an open weekend!  Time to start thinking about what to pack.

I packed my bags on Friday but didn't do much else.  Ted bought everything I needed to make dinner for Gail and Wilson on Saturday.  I made Italian tortellini soup, Caesar salad, French bread and pumpkin squares.  I made enough for us to have some on Sunday.  We took their dinner down as we left for church.  Afterwards we went to Cracker Barrel to use the gift card we won at the fund raiser.  We have one envelope filled with gift cards but get behind in using them!

Sunday turned into laundry day.  Ted may have to do some in my absence but he knows how.  He had to learn when he traveled constantly.  His travel schedule and my work/laundry schedule didn't always mesh.  I had "a husband, a house, a mortgage, 3 babies" (from "Sadie, Sadie" - Funny Girl) and a full time job.  Laundry was done daily but only one load a day first thing in the morning until Saturday.  It worked.  We went to Walmart in the afternoon for a few groceries to carry him over for awhile.  I am sure he will eat out some too.

Monday was bunco at Kathryn's.  We had six subs and six regulars.  I think that is an all time high.  Two regulars were traveling, two had medical reasons, one had out of town company and one was settling her folks in an independent living place here in Texas.  Everyone is busy.  We all enjoyed meeting the new ladies and will see them off and on over the next year.  Some may eventually join us as regular spots open up.

I leave today for Michigan.  The thought of being away from Ted for 12 days is unpleasant but it is important I be there for Kara and her family.  He has lots to do in my absence.  I hope he gets it all done!

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