Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Where Haven't I Been

I get this question a lot and now I have an answer. Lots of places!

Of the 50 U.S. states, I have been in all but four - North Dakota, Nebraska, New Hampshire and Vermont but not all of them in the RV. BUT ... there are 203 recognized countries in the world and I have only been to 25 of them. So I don't think I'm going to run out of places to go any time soon.

What brought this about was Lorraine, whose husband puts together our European Riverboat Cruises, said they have been inducted into the 100-Country Club. They have traveled a lot and she told me to look on line for the list of countries. So I did. So now you know (and me too!).

Ted has been to a few more countries. Off the top of my head I can think of Singapore, Dominican Republic and Costa Rica because of work travel. I believe he has been in all the states but North Dakota and Nebraska. He traveled extensively in Canada and was able to cross the border into NH and VT on occasion. I may catch up to him here in the U.S. but probably not outside of it since we travel together all the time now.

It was fun and interesting researching this. I'm ready for that queston next time I get it.

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