Thursday, September 4, 2008

Home Again, Home Again

Our friends at Rayford took such good care of us Sunday and Monday. Besides getting us all set up and the RV and truck washed, they invited us to join them for dinner. I had next to nothing in the RV but I did have two steaks for us. My contribution to the rest of the dinner was two bottles of wine with salt, pepper and butter for the corn. How lame!

The next morning they fixed breakfast tacos and refused my offer of the pound of bacon I had left. Afterwards they helped Ted tear down and we were on our way. I had emptied and cleaned the RV (though Ted did not clean the carpets this time) and all he had to do was back it into its storage spot. The last thing we do is empty the refrigerator and freezer. That's why I had so little in there because I don't want to carry a lot of food home.

We always manage to mess up the kitchen and bedroom with what we bring home and this time was no exception. We didn't have a lot of time because we were invited to Terry & Carol's new house for Labor Day. They had invited three other couples that are friends of ours too and it would be the first time we've seen their new house since they moved in.

The house turned out beautifully and they are pretty settled. Of course pictures aren't hung and there are still some boxes to empty but Carol will soon be able to put her decorative touch throughout the house and she does this so well. The home they just moved from looks like a model home and this one will be no exception.

We had ribs for dinner and they certainly were good. Again I had nothing to bring but a bottle of wine. I started wondering how long I could play this out and keep getting people to feed us! We had a lot of laughs and they all expressed their relief that we were home from all the hurricanes.

Tuesday we went to see Dr. Chang who wrote new anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant and pain pill prescriptions for Ted. He also gave us an order for a mylegram. We went downstairs to St. Luke's Hospital and made an appointment for Thursday. I took Ted home and then went to Walgreen's and the post office to get our month's mail. The rest of the day was spent opening up and shredding credit card offers. If I could stop those and catalogues we would have very little mail to deal with. I had a pork tenderloin in the freezer and cooked dinner for the two of us.

On Wednesday I went to the nail salon for a manicure and pedicure. Afterwards I finally made it to the grocery. It's been awhile since I've totally filled a basket because we live so close to the grocery that I stop frequently. But this time it was to the top. But guess what? We had invited Jay & Stella and Dee & Rick from the campground out to dinner as a thank you for their help and hospitality. Another night of not cooking! Yeah!

St. Luke's had called Ted about his procedure and they had to postpone it from Thursday until Monday because he had been taking ibuprofen. I certainly hope he doesn't backslide without any anti-inflammatory in his system. He's been moving around better, at least in the morning, but I don't know what to expect now.

We ate at Texas Roadhouse on Wednesday night and had a good visit with our friends. There will be lots of Texas Boomers at the campground this weekend but we cancelled our spot. There's no sense aggravating Ted's back and leg. We will go over to visit with LeAnne and Jim and then again on Saturday night for the potluck ... and I will take brisket for the meal. There's a delicate balance here between accepting help and being a freeloader!

1 comment:

Rick and Brenda said...

You & Ted have a long way to go to be FREELOADERS. Ya'll are so very generous.