Monday, September 8, 2008

We're Hurricane Magnets, Not Hunters!

After waiting out Eduord, and waiting out Fay, then outrunning Gustav, we thought we were done with the hurricanes. But oh no, here comes Ike heading straight for Texas! I will be glad when 2008 is over. If it could go wrong this year, it did, but we enjoyed ourselves anyway.

Thursday LeAnne called from Rayford. She said Jim was on his way home from the VA dentist and was hungry because he missed lunch. It was 4:00 and we hadn't eaten either so we drove down, picked them up and went to an early dinner. We hadn't seen them since our visit to Brenham in April and it was fun to get caught up, especially about their new granddaughter.

I did laundry on Friday and made a cake for the Seniors' Meeting at church on Saturday. I went by myself to the Seniors' Meeting since Ted was still sleeping. The medication is making him sleep a lot. We headed to Rayford around 4:30 for the potluck dinner. True to our word, we stopped at PitMaster BBQ and bought 3 lbs. of brisket. There were close to 25 people for dinner and the food was great as always.

I guess a lot of them went back to the RVs for a campfire because 8 of us ended up alone in the rally room playing Mexican Train. Ted was in the game room on the couch watching football. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to the rest of the group. Don ALWAYS brings firewood, even if it is 104 degrees. So I suspect that is where they went. We were parked by the pool so we didn't see what was going on back in the park.

Ted made it to church, sitting in the back row and having the usher bring the EME to him for communion. He is OK sitting and laying, but standing and walking is just like last time his back went out. When we got home he watched more football and I went shopping.

This morning we went to St. Luke's for an 11 o'clock appointment. At noon they said their imaging machine was being serviced and it would be about an hour. We decided to drive home and go back. They took him in about 2:00 and had to give him some pain relief so he could lay on his stomach. Because of this medicine we had to stay 3 hours after the procedure and didn't get home until 6:00. I have the films to take to Dr. Shedden and we'll get the report from Dr. Chang tomorrow.

Jay called and asked what we planned to do about Ike heading our way. He is taking his RV to Boerne, TX. They live in Dickinson which would get a storm surge and high winds from landfall around Galveston. He is also a law enforcement officer and won't be able to move the RV later on in the week. We have the luxury of waiting for awhile longer to see where it is going. We are also 80 miles inland. With Ted's back, I'm in no hurry to get back out on the road though he did OK driving from Florida.

So now we wait. For test results, for doctors' opinions, for Ike to decide where to hit. There's never a dull moment it seems.

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