Monday, May 12, 2008

Post Script

Raynor from Dr. Ertan's office called this morning. He said the pathology on the "brushings" from the healed areas all look good. Ted is doing very well.

I told him about the "bug" he seems to have picked up. His take on it was that it doesn't have anything to do with the procedure. What we need to watch for is a sustained fever and/or difficulty swallowing. His fever was only for one day and that was five days after the procedure and five days ago. He has never had difficulty swallowing. He is better and is at the dermatologist this morning for a routine check-up. We've had enough of doctors for awhile.

We set up the next endoscopy for July 22. That gives us plenty of time to get results back and schedule anything else if necessary. We should be able to leave August 5 to stop in Slidell to visit Tim's widow Bloss and then arrive in Topsail State Park on August 7.

We are so grateful that things are going along so well. I have to admit I've been surprised by the people you least expect that are there for you as support and the ones you expect to be supportive just aren't. Everyone deals with difficulties in a different way I guess. There are more ostriches out there than you'll ever know.

1 comment:

Cricket's Corner said...

That's wonderful news about Ted. We hope the derm's visit is good news, too. And hope you're doing alright with your foot.

We hope we're not one of your ostriches!! :-(

You know how much we love and care about you two. Keep us posted.
Love, LeAnne and Jim