Sunday, May 8, 2022

And It Is Summer

The old thermometer, that has been in the 80s of late, is destined to hit 90 this week.  And it is only the first week of May!

Friday I spent time getting my scripts to Walgreen’s from Walmart.  I watched Dr. C say “ok, I changed your preferred pharmacy” and yet, they went back to Walmart.  My insurance has changed to Walgreen’s as preferred, instead of Walmart which we have had for years because of traveling.  There was always a Walmart.  

So I picked up my first 3 months but it had no refill.  So I stopped at Dr. C’s office right before closing and the girl sent the script again after changing whatever so it went to Walgreen’s. But now I had two 3 month prescriptions with no refills.  Insurance will only allow one to be filled.  So I have to just hope that in July, while we are gone, that the second script is still sitting there so I can go to a Walgreen’s in Indiana for my refill.  What bother!

I spent so much time trying to get that all fixed I skipped the nail salon and went home and made a pizza for dinner for Ted who had worked all afternoon at the gun club.

So Saturday I went to the nail salon and stopped at H‑E‑B to get things to make meatloaves.  I wanted to take one to my friend Gerre still recovering from back surgery, along with a container of chicken and sausage gumbo I made.  I also bought an orchid plant to test her green thumb.  She has so many plants and a beautiful yard I thought maybe this would be a bit of a challenge.  Turns out she had two growing on their sun porch and doing fine!  We visited about three hours on Sunday.

We went to church as usual on Saturday, took Communion to our neighbors and ate at Black Bear Diner.  And we played cards at the country club on Tuesday.  Ted won, I didn’t.  

I have been trying to get things done before we leave. We lost all of JFM and part of April until my breast cancer situation was handled.  All the doctor appointments, tests and two surgeries took up a lot of time.  Praise God we can move on with great confidence.

The AC people came for our annual check up and all is OK.  I have contracted with our landscaper to fix some things in the yard.  Our stone wall has a section being pushed up by live oak roots and he will have the root removed and wall repaired.  The metal edging of the paver brick walk has rusted out and that will be replaced with a stone edge, the two magnolias that have been fighting with the two live oaks for 20 years are going away, and my rain sensor is broken.  The ajuga and hostas are doing great and perhaps the magnolias being taken out will get a bit of sunshine to them to help them along even more.  My last project was to get the bedroom painted.  The old paint was too dark and with my new bedspread it looked even darker.  I thought perhaps the carpeting would need to be replaced.  But once the new light color, Navajo White went on, the rug blended nicely. 

All of this tearing down, work, cleaning and putting it all back together took its toll and caught up with me.  I went to bed at 7 pm one night and slept until 6 am!  I don’t believe I have ever slept that long.  Fatigue is a side effect of my Arimidex and I chalk it up to that.  

Just so you do not think I had all work and no play, I put together a yogurt bar to make your own yogurt dish for our Newcomers Continental breakfast.  What a gorgeous house and yard where it was held.  And we attended a Newcomers outing to the Sam Houston Raceway.  We cashed 3 tickets, not big, but it kept our losses down to a minimum.

We went to church as usual, a little concerned about protestors but all was calm.  I did notice a lot more men, in blue jeans and boots, being ushers and staying by the doors.  I am sure there were quiet precautions going on in the background to avoid any trouble.  My heart aches for what has happened to our country.  We took Communion to Jeanette and Dick then went to Joe’s Italian since we had not been there in awhile.  

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