Wednesday morning I spent the early hours of the day locating and printing all the reservations and confirmations I received for Greece and Hawaii over the last three months. I had no printer with us so I just kept saving and/or taking screenshots until I could get a file together. Our Greece group is meeting to finalize some transportation plans. We need "airport to hotel" and "hotel to ship" reservations. We all agreed to use Royal Caribbean "ship to airport" transport at the end of the cruise because they control flow off the ship. It will be in their best interest to be sure we leave early enough to catch our flights home. For Hawaii I am good except for the Honolulu to Kona and return flight. We are booked on United into and out of Honolulu so we need an inter-island flight. The condos on Kona, our hotel in Honolulu and New Year's reservation at Disney's Aulani are all in order. I have a lot of car reservations and need to cancel some. We kept finding better prices! Whew! That all took awhile.
We went to the grocery and eventually I used the broth and leftover chicken from Tuesday to make chicken noodle soup in the Instant Pot. It turned out really good. I sautéed onions, celery and carrots in the chicken fat off the top of the saved drippings. Then added the drippings minus the fat, some additional broth, cut up chicken, spices and a handful of noodles and set it for Soup, 4 minutes! Voila! Homemade chicken soup. Very tasty.
Another thing I did was put my stained glass table and the two new chairs on the porch. I have the old peacock chair and table plus six cushions all ready to go out in April when the Paralyzed Veterans come to pick it up. It turned out to fit just fine.
Thursday was Shanghai day. I hadn't seen anyone in 3 months so it was a good afternoon filled with laughter. We have the same problem playing cards as playing mahjongg - whose turn is it? And I won! Great start to getting back into playing cards.
We watched the Buddy Holly story on TV for a change of pace. The cars in NY during the 50s looked like old time movies to us and we were in school then! We both enjoyed it and talked of the songs that didn't get written because of his untimely death. He was so talented as singer, musician, lyricist and producer. Such a sad ending to such a promising life.
On Friday Ted worked at the gun club and I stayed home and cleaned. By dinner time I was pooped so an easy dinner of coconut shrimp in the air fryer and salad was all I could muster. Saturday was more of the same with putting plants on the courtyard wall and removal of much pollen from the deck and furniture. John and Irene invited us to dinner at Spring Creek BBQ and then we played cards at our house. I came in second. My dime purse runneth over.
The bad news of the week is my car needs $2200 of "powertrain" work. That's what the little wrench on the display means. It has something to do with modules in the transmission plus other stuff. It is 8 years old with 61,000 miles. It has never given me any trouble in all that time. It looks brand new (no food, kids or dogs) transported. We had the tires, new last year, rotated while in the valley, the oil changed and the inside and outside detailed. I think the Ford Edge may have to wait until 2019 so I get some use out of my new $2200 whatevers!
Today is Easter. We went to Mass at 9:00 and will join Terry, Carol, Irene and John for brunch at their country club. And maybe more cards. My dimes are hot!
Happy Easter everyone.