Sunday, July 21, 2024

Time With CeCe

We had no plans for Wednesday, other than a load of laundry so we drove to visit Pat and Barb, two ladies I worked with while we lived in Troy. We had a nice visit and I was delighted to see them both.

On Thursday, Kelly met us at Culver’s for lunch, saving our ice cream coupons for later. After Despicable 4 (that CeCe pronounced scary with a mean grandma and beetles!), we returned to Culver’s to have our ice cream. 

When we got home, there was a crowd.  Sam and Haley stopped by to say hello, Pat and Kelly came too to take CeCe home, Cassie came by later, and Bill, Kara, Morgan, Ted and I were on hand.  CeCe loves a crowd!  

Ted picked CeCe up at 7:45 am Friday in time for her parents to get to work.  She was ready to go to Frankenmuth to see the Christmas store (Bronners’s).  

It is about 1.5 hours to get there.  I had two tops to exchange at Chico’s so we stopped first to do that.  We made our way to Bavarian Inn for the famous family style chicken dinner.  We made stops at the fudge shop where we watched fudge and taffy being made.  I bought some for my neighbor.  We visited Bronner’s last.  CeCe started singing Jingle Bells immediately.  Later, for some reason, she switched to Happy Birthday!

Saturday we packed up the car and headed to Cincinnati.  We stopped at Jungle Jim’s, a supermarket and then some, is a real tourist attraction!  Kara loves it!  I hated it!  It is so filled you can’t figure out where anything is and when I finally found a map, it didn’t have the info I needed.  I just wanted coffee items and bagels!  I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.  

We arrived at my brother’s condo that he had so graciously offered to us for our week here in Cincinnati.  He is at his house in Columbus.  It is located high on a hill overlooking downtown Cincinnati and the Ohio River.  We have the whole place to ourselves!  The view out of our 5th floor window.

We had planned to go to church and then out to eat but we were too tired so just opted for dinner.  I chose Ron’s Roost who serves great chicken and a few local favorites.  I had my favorite turtle soup and hot bacon slaw to go with my chicken.  We came home and I immediately fell asleep.

Sunday we went to church at the parish Ted’s family belonged to for years.  He attended elementary school there.  We stopped at Sam’s to get goetta and brats to take to the lake, and Walmart for a toaster and Tide.  

Then we attended a Pompeii program at the Cincinnati Union Terminal train station that is a museum complex now.  It was a good program but having visited the ruins, in person, it lacked the awesomeness of what the area is really like.  It is amazing and the sheer volume of what happened is hard to portray.  But had I not been there, it would whet my appetite to go there.  

We stopped at a church festival, enjoyed a drink and the music but didn’t stay too long.  We are both finding being on the go is wearing us out.  Age is catching up on us!  

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