Thursday, July 4, 2024


Happy 4th of July!

I am happy to report I am mobile.  The steroids plus gabapentin have worked their charm … that and 6 weeks have passed and that was the prediction of time to healing.

My MRI confirmed lots of things going on in my back, much of it contributed to my age!  There are a few areas of impinged root nerves.  I will have to be careful to baby my back and not fall again. 

Terry and Carol were in for John’s funeral. They called and suggested we go to 5 pm Mass and out to eat so we did that.  On Sunday they called and asked if they could come over to see my cabinets. We said yes.  They stayed all afternoon, took us to dinner then came back and we played cards. I won! 

It has been a sad week. We buried our good friend John on Tuesday.  It was a lovely service and Irene appears to be doing well.  Next Monday is another funeral for Joanne’s husband.  We received a message from Niles, Ted’s best friend down in Mission, that said he was entering hospice after a long battle with cancer.  Another card playing friend, Anita, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has migrated to her lungs.  This certainly is a very sad time of life

Last night we attended the Houston Symphony’s performance at the Pavilion of Red, White and Blue!  It is a free performance each year and the place fills up.  It supposedly holds 16,000 including the pavilion and the hillside.  We sat with the Newcomers group next to a non Newcomers couple and the man attends Bible study with Ted.  Then, a lady came in the row and it was Sally from Newcomers and then someone called my name. It was Frieda who moved away10 years ago and recently moved back.  It is such a wonderful performance and fun time!

Today is friend Tommy’s birthday and they invited us to Taste of Texas.  Last fall we celebrated my and Susan’s birthday there.  Kristin was in town so she joined us.  It is  a very popular Houston steakhouse and the food is fabulous.

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