Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Made it To Michigan

A lot has gone on over the past couple of weeks.  I slowly eased back into regular activities.  We worked out that Ted would go on ahead to Columbus, driving himself in the car because of needing to take his guns and ammo for the competitions.  If I needed PT or other appointments I would be able to drive myself.  Kristin was still in town so I thought I would be busy.  

We never expected a hurricane!  We were lucky in that our generator kept us with electricity but we had no internet, cable or WiFi!  Pretty boring!  I could drive to the parking lot at MDAnderson to make phone calls and check messages and emails.  

After 2.5 days we got our power back and the other things came back on line eventually.  Two funerals I was to attend were cancelled, Shanghai and 3-13 were both cancelled, but I did attend our neighborhood luncheon before going into Houston to spend the weekend with Kristin.

On Monday I flew to Detroit.  Ted had finished shooting on Sunday but stayed over to Monday so he could plan his arrival from Columbus at DTW when I arrived.  The timing worked out perfectly.  As soon as I stepped outside, Ted was pulling up.  We drove to Kara’s, had dinner, and settled in for the next 4 days.

Today we had to take an Amazon return to Kohl’s and stopped at Office Max looking for those round hole reinforcements Ted wanted for his shooting sheets.  Turned out it was Closing and very little was left.  While looking for the circles I found a pack of ink cartridges that worked in our printer that I normally pay $80 for marked down to $3.50. What a bargain!  

We were close to CeCe’s school so we stopped and asked if we could say hi.  She was just finishing lunch and would move on to nap time so they let her come out into the hallway.  She didn’t understand exactly why she was being called out and had a worried look on her face.  But then she broke into the biggest smile and ran into our arms.  I told her I liked her haircut and she said it didn’t get into her mouth anymore.  It was way too long!  Then she said she had peanut butter on her face.  I said “I noticed.”   She had to go back but we told her we would see her Thursday for a day out.  

Kara fixed a beef tenderloin for dinner.  Evening entertainment was the All Star baseball game.  Three Astros were voted to play but two were injured!

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