Sunday, April 10, 2022

Good Health Feels Great

I was able to work Tuesday at Tomball Forum Friends.  We had about 120 seniors for bingo, entertainment and lunch.  This is my favorite event to work and the one I missed the most during the pandemic.  My table of six went 6 for 6 at bingo then won 3 more times and passed their winning sticks to others that had not won so everyone gets to choose a prize!  There were plenty of prizes, all supplied by our group.  Our organization also pays for the catered food and the entertainment if we have any.  Our own group, the Melodies, provided this month’s entertainment.

Wednesday evening we went next door to visit with our Israeli neighbors who had just returned from being gone several months.  Their house sitter Marena was there too and we had a great visit of several hours.

A trip to

in Seabrook TX was part of a bus trip down towards the gulf with the Newcomer ladies.

We stopped at Maas Nursery and many flowers and nursery items were purchased including two trees that stood in the back stairwell of the bus for the ride home.  I bought 18 two inch pots of various ajuga plants to try once more to get something to grow along the front wall.  

From there we continued on to the clubhouse for a delightful lunch in a room with a beautiful view.  

Saturday was the Masters, Mass, deliver Communion and eat at Red Lobster.  I told Ted I needed a different menu than he wants to cook all the time.  I chose flounder and coconut shrimp with a small salad and broccoli.  It tasted really good!

We are going to Magnolia to an RV park, where friends John and Vivienne live, to celebrate Easter with them.  We stopped by the motorhome to check on the leather repair on the ends of the recliner chairs we are replacing.  We want to sell them cheaply or give them away.  I used a brown leather repair kit and in two steps made it look better.  From there we drove to the park to check out our route, drove around the park to see our spot and how to get to it.  John and Vivienne were not home so we just came home to watch the end of The Masters, have dinner and watch TV.

This week will be busy with cards 3-13, Canasta, cleaning ladies, haircut, some prep cooking and packing.  We have a party at the park on Friday, cowboy church, Mass on Sunday, and Easter dinner.   

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