Monday, September 30, 2024

The Big Birthday Week

The week after our return wasn’t too busy.  I had my 6 month routine visit to my PCP which produced an alarming uptick in my creatine score.  It has always been a tad over the “high “ reading but was consistent.  Since April there was a big jump.  So I have to see a kidney doctor but can’t get an appointment until December!  We are thinking the pentagabin I was given 3 times a day for a month during my superficial thrombosis phlebitis may be the culprit.  It apparently clears through the kidneys as opposed to the liver.  Dr. C was not alarmed at the delayed appointment so I am using this time to drink lots and lots of water, avoid excessive protein and not do extreme exercise!  I have that last one covered for sure!

Our Newcomers luncheon was that same week and I invited my neighbor and our other friend to attend. They are both from South Africa and the speaker owns a tour company specializing in South African safaris.  As fate would have it, he and his wife sat across from us and they had great conversation.  It is my thank you to them because they insist on driving me to Hobby Airport at the end of October when Ted is in San Antonio.  It is over an hour away, right through Houston in horrendous traffic!  

Ted’s 80th birthday was Friday and my girls and their husbands flew in to have dinner at Perry’s Steakhouse with us.  The ruse was Kristin was taking us for both our birthdays and when we arrived they were all there at the table.  He teared up when he saw them all!  

Previously I had invited Ted’s friends and some couples we are both friends with to our favorite Mexican restaurant for a surprise party.  So the kids stayed on.  I booked for 30, had to browbeat some gun club folks for an answer and at the last minute our friend Tommy had a heart attack and another friend Jay was taken ill so we went from 30 to 24 to 22 to 20!  I had a lot of help from Anna next door and the girls with getting things settled at the restaurant.  Going to church and this restaurant afterwards is routine so Ted was flabbergasted when he walked in.  Two in a row!  A little tearing up once again.  

It was quite a success and by his reaction I am convinced he was surprised both times.  I fixed a big breakfast both Saturday and Sunday mornings with Ted and Pat helping.  And today I changed sheets on three beds and have done at least 5 loads of laundry.  A small price to pay to have them all here at the same time.  The Michigan folks flew home Sunday afternoon and Kristin is returning to Orlando today.  

And we are now 12 days from Bon Voyage on the Disney Magic to celebrate CeCe’s 5th and my 79th birthdays!  I hope those hurricanes all Peter out before then. 

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