Monday, June 3, 2024

Three Things Done

Our AC problem, beyond the drain needing cleared and a flexible hose replacing a hard pipe, the new coil installed called for a drain pan and they just didn’t install one!  Once one was located and installed it has all been working perfectly.  

Our yard needed work!  Two years ago our neighbor wanted no part of replacing the common .”good neighbor” fence so we just had the back done.  With our new neighbors getting a new fence, we agreed to pay our half of the common fence.  Our opposite neighbor was ok all along so the fence is now complete though several colors as the wood ages.  

Our back corner was the site of a stump for many years until it finally rotted away.  Fedilia and Christo who did my front oval did the corner digging up lots of buried bull rock, washed it all, and built a “creek bed”  from the next yard across the back, creating a triangle, to the easement in back to help water movement.  They planted some perennials.  The sod has taken very well with all the rain.  Success!  

The doors in the kitchen will be hung tomorrow.  Thursday night and Friday morning, with some help from Anna, we restocked the cabinets.  I gave 6 shelves of stuff away.  I have no intention of filling the empty space! 

Christine had skipped cleaning two weeks ago because of the flood waters so we finished up loading everything away in the kitchen just as she arrived.  It felt so good to have accomplished so much in projects and then have the house cleaned!  Now we can take our trip without things hanging over our head.  

Doors installed!  We are pleased.  Certainly lightens up the kitchen that has no natural light.  

I invited 3 neighborhood couples to celebrate Memorial Day with us but that didn’t happen.  I had my red/white/blue decorations and table settings all ready.  The menu  was fixed and Ted was going to smoke an 8# Pork shoulder … and then I was in the ER being diagnosed with Superficial Thrombophlebitis.  It was 2017 when I was hospitalized with a DVT and PE and had to cancel a Memorial Day outing planned for here at home.  No more Memorial Day invites from me!  

I was sent home with 4 prescriptions none of them for pain. I was miserable until Tuesday when I could finally contact my cardiologist and orthopedic doctors.  

Life came to a standstill.  I can hardly walk, it is so painful.  I saw my cardiologist and he said he thought it was a pinched nerve traveling down my leg from stenosis at the base of my spine.  But it was who the ER told me to see due to the ablations I had recently.  

I was then sent to the ortho hip guy who tended to agree with them.  He said give it a few weeks to heal before starting a nerve work up.  This week was my follow up for the ablations and my doctor was back from vacation.  Going with the neuropathy diagnosis she gave me a gabapentin script and scheduled an ultrasound in 10 days.  In the meantime, I can walk short distances with my walker.  A trip from the bedroom to the kitchen and preparing a cup of coffee will do me in and I just flop on the couch.  

We are adjusting our departure date to see how good I get and will I be able. or want, to travel.  Our hard dates are a need to be in Columbus 7/11-16 and 8/1-5.  The rest of the time we can split between Cincinnati, Michigan and the family cabins at Elk Lake in Kentucky.

I will update as my condition improves (or not).  We won’t be going anywhere or doing anything so there won’t be much to say. 

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