Wednesday, April 18, 2018

On to St Marys, OH

We were in no big hurry Monday morning but we did have to watch the time because we had to turn the car in back at the airport before our weekend time was up and then start our weekly rental.  Sounds crazy but doing it that way versus a 10 day rental was $2200 versus $800!  You read that right!  The airport taxes almost doubles the cost.  We were allowed to keep the same car so that made it easy.  Drive in, get recorded, drive out.  

It started snowing!  Not heavy, but enough you could see it and the streets were wet.  Then it sleeted.  Oh happy days!  It didn't take but a few hours to get to our next destination, Sue and Dan's.  It was in the 30s and I was ill prepared clotheswise.  While Dan went to sign his taxes, the three of us went shopping for some warmer clothes for me.  Jeans, slacks and a pullover sweater would hopefully get me through the cold spots of the next week.

We ate dinner at home and watched Netflix on TV.  We only have cable and found the programming interesting.  I would love to dump our cable.  After a good night's sleep Ted and Dan prepared to go shooting and Sue and I went shopping for their new grandbaby, #17!  I wrapped the things I bought and left the gift bag for them to deliver later.

Once the fellows came home and cleaned up, we drove to the Versailles Inn to meet their son Ed and his wife Vicki for dinner.  I had amazing walleye (pickerel to non-Michiganders) and lots of laughs.  We had an amazing time just talking and telling stories.  We all went to bed shortly after arriving back home.  The cool weather had done our shooters in.  We had to be on the road by 8:30 the next morning so another good night's sleep was in order.  It was a 2.5 hour drive to the Detroit airport to pick up Kristin.  

Our timing was spot on because she walked out just as we drove up.  From there it was just 45 minutes to Kara's.  Thursday we had lunch with Kelly and shopped for presents for Morgan.  Friday we arranged the flowers for the tables at the restaurant, picked up the cakes, pressed off clothes, etc., all in preparation for Morgan's Confirmation on Saturday.  Kristin's best friend since age 8 came for a visit with her 2 year old daughter..

Kara and Morgan went to church at 6 for practice and dinner while the rest of us went to Kelly's for dinner.  

Here are some photos of the Saturday celebration.

Flowers for the tables

Morgan being Confirmed


Kara's family

Us with Kelly's family and with Morgan 


 Two cakes, one gluten free for Morgan.  

On Sunday Bill's sister and brother in law came for dinner.  Ted made pulled pork, I tossed a salad and Kara made a fruit salad.  Morgan and I made a corn casserole too.  She was using her Home Economics skills!

Monday morning we were up and out at 9 am for the flight home.  We landed at 2:00 and were happy to arrive home a short time later.

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