Sunday, September 18, 2016

Killing Time

Friday we went to Sam's to pick up a few things.  You can eat your way through there, especially around the weekend, so dinner was much later.  And just pancakes at that!  We weren't too hungry and breakfast for dinner sounded good.

Ted was working a shoot at the gun club on Saturday for the Houston Rodeo Juniors.  Last year they gave away $12 million in scholarships.  While he was gone I looked for things to do.  First up was the 2 x 14 foot runner we use in the RV when we are parked where there is dust, dirt, leaves, etc. versus asphalt or concrete.  I used our shampooer and it came out good.  The water was very dirty!

Next I tackled the linen closet/medicine shelves in our bathroom.  I found all kinds of things that had worked their way to the back - lotions, sunscreen, hair products, medicine, cold remedies.  I need to use these up before buying more!

Then I cleaned the oven.  I had put it on Clean one day last week but there is always some stuff that doesn't burn off.  So I sprayed it with Easy Off and then cleaned it 30 minutes later.  Since I had finished my ironing (much to my friend Carol's chagrin) I ran out of projects.  So I took a nap.  I had gotten up at 7 am to wake Ted and stayed up.

We met Gerre and Barry for dinner a little after 6:00 and then went to see the first play of this season Phantom.  The voices of the Phantom and Christine were amazing.  It was a great production and we enjoyed it very much.  We got stuck in construction lane closures afterwards and it took three times as long to get home.

Since we went to dinner and the theater Saturday night we had to get up for church Sunday morning.  It is fun to see different people than you usually do.  When we came home, Ted got ready to go to the gun range for his usual Sunday shooting. I know he will enjoy seeing his buddies after so long a stretch.  I put the shampooer away, got out my few fall decorations and took another nap!  Ted was home when I woke up.  We watched football and stayed in the rest of the day.

Monday bunco started up again.  I had my card table and four chairs to take to Laura's along with the bunco bag, a gift for Judy and a shopping bag full of paper grocery bags for Carol.  We had three subs and I think everyone had a good time.  I asked one of the new ladies to join us on a regular basis since Nancy had dropped out and she accepted.

By the time I had all my stuff back in the car, Judy was gone and I still had her gift.  On my way to Shari's to pick up my walker and other things she had borrowed, I texted Judy to stop by my house after her lunch was over.  She said okay so eventually I had taken care of everything. Tucker had arrived while I was gone so I was able to spend the rest of the day at home.

Tuesday we took Irene to the gun range.  She needed to re-familiarize herself with her gun since it has been awhile since she shot.  I shot in the next lane at 7 and 11 yards while Ted worked with her.  I didn't do too bad.  I want to try Irene's red dot next time.  I think I would have stopped him.

Irene treated us to lunch at a new Italian restaurant.  She got meatballs and spaghetti and there were about 7 meatballs.  I have never seen that many in one entrée.  Ted had pizza and I had a sandwich.  It was all pretty good.

We kept getting a message that our cable boxes were outdated and we needed to set up an appointment to have them changed out so that happened on Wednesday while Ted was down at the Chronicle.  I hope I wrote enough down to remember how to use it.

We had a terrible scare in the afternoon.  Ted took Tucker out and he went under the fence to the utility easement behind the house.  He usually comes when called but he would get almost to us and then run.  It is like a jungle back there. Three different times be came to Ted then took off before he could get him.  On the fourth time I crawled through a broken slat in the fence and put his treats down.  He walked up and just as I reached for him, off he went!  We looked and called for almost three hours.  I finally brought in all his things I had placed by the fence in hopes the scent would bring him back.  As I walked up on the deck, here he came from the front yard up onto the deck.  He had made his way around somehow and came in under the front fence.  I picked him up and hollered to Ted that I had him.  Ted yelled at him and he knew he was in trouble!  We were both scratched up and bleeding from traipsing through the woods but so relieved he was home.  Now he will go out on a leash until he relearns to come when called.

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