Monday, May 11, 2015

Really Bad Weather in North Texas

I have received many calls recently about our well being.  I guess the national news keeps talking about the bad weather "in Texas."  We have had lots of rain and a few windy storms but it has stayed north of us and south of us.  There has been nothing as bad as northern Texas and Oklahoma have experienced.  

It was raining Sunday night and Monday morning before I left for Canasta but I didn't need an umbrella either going into Sue Ann's house or back out to the car later.  Our rain has simply been spotty showers.  I lost every round of Canasta but still came in 5th out of 8.  And one of my losing partners was the big winner!  Crazy!  Not sure how that happened.  I was counting on getting my dollar back by being last!

Tuesday I had an eye doctor appointment in the morning and all is okay, not even a prescription change.  I seldom wear my glasses, only for night driving which I do little of and when driving in unfamiliar areas where I need to read signs.  They give me a bit more acuity, thus a little more time to read and make driving decisions.

From there I went to church to work at the funeral luncheon reception for a woman I knew slightly from Newcomers.  She has battled cancer for some time but is finally out of pain and at peace.  Her husband was so appreciative of our efforts.  That kind of response makes all our efforts so worthwhile.  It was sad though because I had to mail two sympathy cards to Ohio and Tennessee on my way to the doctor.  I am afraid this will occur more and more frequently the older we get.

I brought home 9 tablecloths that I put three into the washer immediately.  Then Ted decided we needed to go to the grocery store and get fuel in the truck.  So off we went to Kroger's and I finished the tablecloths when we got back after I put the groceries away.  It turned into an on the go type day.

I was bummed when the gymnist was eliminated on DWTS on Tuesday night.  It was a close call but I thought she and the other contestant Riker are the best dancers.  Next week will tell.

Ted attended the men's neighborhood luncheon on Wednesday while I got a hair cut.  The tablecloths had been laundered, put on hangers and were taken back to church on my way home.  We played Shanghai that evening and had a buffet dinner at the restaurant where we played.  I was again at the table that ended last but another lady and man exchanged words this time.  He was taking way too much time but her hounding him didn't help.  The men don't seem to understand the ending rules and how jokers can play into it.  I showed the man what he had to do and he calmed down.  Sheesh!  I may stop playing in this group.  I came in second by 3 points and the one other man who lost to me was fine. It's a game folks!

It was our neighborhood ladies lunch day on Thursday.  We met at Olive Garden with 9 in attendance.  There were at least 4 missing but a new lady came and was introduced.  I had invited the new neighbor next to me but she had a dental appt. but said to check with her again.  We need to be sure to include the new ladies in the plans to keep the group relevant.

Friday night we had a couple to dinner who recently moved to Georgetown, TX.  They were at our anniversary party but had said their gifts for us were not ready yet.  So when they called to ask if we would be around this week while they were back in town, I invited them over.  We had a nice dinner, played some cards and opened our gifts.  One was a set of dishtowels embroidered with Rogers Cellars to be used with my wine tub at parties.  I have coddled my William-Sonoma towels for a few years now because my everyday ones just wouldn't do!  

The other gift was a yard sign for outside our camper.  We loved both gifts.  I immediately put the towels in the linen closet and the sign and hanger with the pile going to the trailer.


Gerre had given me a ticket to her church fashion show and luncheon where she was in charge.  I bought several things and enjoyed the show and lunch.  The ladies made all the food and it all was so good!  Ted and I attended church at 5:00 and came home to Feet Up Time!  We had leftovers for dinner, watched Outlander and then a movie.  

Today is a day off but I have already cleaned the closet out in the office.  There were so many half filled boxes and things and I had greeting cards here, there and everywhere so I sat and matched them with their envelopes, sorted them by occasion and now it is all neat.  I threw a whole garbage bag out into the recycle bin. Then I made up my list of groceries I need for Memorial Day weekend.  I am busy everyday this week until we depart so I need to get organized!

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