Thursday, May 1, 2014

God is Watching Out for Us!

We drove to Cumming GA on Monday and checked into our motel.  We made arrangements to arrive at Susan's the next morning at 10.  She had some plans made but the weather was predicted to be so bad a state of emergency was declared!  And then it didn't even rain.  With everything that was happening all over the south, we never even had rain anywhere.

So we spent the day with Susan and Vince having lunch and dinner together.  Upon our arrival Susan had coffee, cake and fruit.  We chatted a lot, rode around their neighborhood which is just lovely, met some of their friends and enjoyed really good food.  We looked at some model homes and drove through some fabulous neighborhoods.  We had such a good time.  She did make me promise we would stay with them next time if we don't have our RV with us.

On that subject, I MISS MY RV!!  This living out of a suitcase and moving place to place is for the birds.  There is a lot to be said for having your own bed, the bathroom and kitchen stocked and your clothes put away for the entire trip.  

On Wednesday, Dick and Gail met us in the afternoon for lunch.  We hadn't seen them in a very long time.  They were kind enough to drive the hour from Athens so we didn't have to.  It was so good to see them and get caught up on kids, grandkids and retirement.  From there we left for Callaway Gardens.

We walked around the town of Pine Mountain then settled in for the night.  This morning we headed to Callaway Gardens where we stayed until mid afternoon, then traveled to FDR's Little White House.  Our next stop was FDR State Park.  We ate dinner just about 5 and were happy to put our feet up after  a whole day of walking.

I have taken a lot of photos and I will include them separately next in their own blog.

Tomorrow we leave for New Orleans to visit the WWII museum.  If all goes as planned we should be home Sunday.  Our planned stop in Opelika AL was cancelled because our friend is in Cincinnati for her mother's funeral.  The timing is unfortunate.  We just came through there before the funeral and now she is not home as we go through tomorrow.  I hope we can get together at a later date.

I get ideas about what's essential when packing my suitcase. ~ Diane von Furstenberg

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