Sunday, October 20, 2013

In the End We Were Mudded Out

I played Canasta on Monday afternoon.  We only had 8 players but Michele had food for an army!  She has her hands so full with a husband with Alzheimers and a mother in Assisted Living.  And she was over helping her neighbor who had a flood under her kitchen sink.  There are definitely saints among us!  I ended up scoring in the middle again.  I don't think I have ever won in this group.  But it is always fun!

I was signed up for work at the Thrift Shop for four hours on Tuesday.  We all worked very hard and emptied two huge bins of donations while others sorted, tagged and hung clothes.  I also cut off buttons and went through all the baby onesies, sleepers, bibs and caps by size.  They get thrown together out in the store and need sorting periodically.  Some of the stuff we receive is mind boggling.  We had size 24 month brand new True Religion jeans and 2T Ralph Lauren shirts with $60 tags still attached.  There are some great deals to be had.

I stayed home on Wednesday to get some things done because I was going to be gone most of Thursday.  I agreed to attend the Newcomers luncheon to speak about my bunco group to new people coming in.  I didn't know how to dress like three dice so I just wore my Halloween sweater.  We had assigned seating so I met two new ladies.  I know fewer and fewer folks because people move through Newcomers and eventually come out the other side.  Some groups break off and go their separate way and a new activity group takes its place with new people.  Bunco has stood the test of time because it is such an ice breaker game where you can meet and talk to 11 ladies for a few hours.  Great friendships are started and nurtured.  I can't even guess how many ladies have moved through my group over the last 12 years.  The food was okay but I think they needed a side salad with the pasta.

At 3:30 Peg picked me up and we headed to Jeanne's for the Junior Forum Wine Extravaganza.  Pat, who I work funerals with at church, has agreed to take a look at Forum and planned to attend but she came down with a sinus infection.  Because we are hosting next year's Convention, there will be no Gala fundraiser next year.  A program has been developed to raise our funds and this Wine Party was the kick off.  There was a good turnout and $16,000 was raised.  We are hoping our commercial sponsors will step up after the first of the year to donate in the tax year they planned for.

I had a headache Friday morning and skipped a Forum meeting.  (I only had ONE glass of wine!).  Imagine my surprise when I got two messages telling me I was nominated for Volunteer of the Month!  I was shocked but honored.

By 5:30 my head was fine and we went with Sherida and John to dinner and to see Bus Stop as part of our play series.  They did a terrific job with the set and everyone did a superb job with their lines and acting.  We really enjoyed the performance.

Jennifer and I were signed up to do the CASA 5K run through Jones Forest Saturday morning.  We had our shirts on with our numbers pinned.  However, it has rained a lot and the roads and trails were a muddy mess.  We got stuck in the mud in the car twice and had to be pushed out and we hadn't even seen the start tent.  We made a decision that we had made a donation, got our shirt and we cut our losses and came home.  I can't even imagine how the parked cars made it out on a rutted one lane road with water standing on either side with nowhere to turn around.  To us, it just wasn't worth it.

So I stayed home the rest of Saturday and made dinner.  We attended church this morning.  Tucker has been here visiting since Thursday.  He will go home on Tuesday.  He is such a cuddler.

This morning our middle daughter ran the Detroit Newspapers half marathon from downtown Detroit, across the Ambassador Bridge into Windsor, Canada, along their riverfront and then through the Detroit-Windsor tunnel under the Detroit River back to the USA, a total of 13.1 miles.  Way to go.  We are so proud of her.

“The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” 
― John Bingham


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