Monday, September 16, 2013

Just Enjoying Being Home

We had our neighborhood ladies' luncheon on Thursday with a nice showing of the group.  Our good friend is taking chemo again and was unable to attend.  We are all very concerned about her.  There are so many sick people on my prayer list that I had to turn the bookkeeping over to the Lord.  When I offer to pray for someone, I really do, but people move up and down the list as their needs warrant but I never take anyone off.  We can all use healing in mind, body or spirit.

I met Irene Friday morning at her house and we went shopping.  Her house is so lovely I am just in awe when I go there.  Taking care of all that house and yard is off my radar but it is very nice to look at and enjoy.

In the evening we were invited to Terry & Carol's for dinner.  Some of their kids were in from Alabama for the Texas A&M/Alabama game on Saturday.  Our friends Dave & Jody were also invited so the 10 of us had a nice pulled pork dinner.  All I had to do was make cole slaw.  It was really nice seeing our nieces and nephews even if their team beat ours.

We watched half the game on Saturday afternoon and then recorded the rest while we went to church.  When we got home I checked on the computer and saw the results so I just made dinner while Ted watched the rest of the game.  It was a great game with a disappointing, but not unexpected, result.

Ted worked a sporting clay event at the gun club all day yesterday.  He was gone for about eight hours.  Despite it being clear and sunny here, he got caught in a downpour and was wet through to his  underwear.  He came home in time to dress for our Dining Out group that was meeting at 6:00.   While he was gone I was busy setting up tables and preparing food for my bunco group that met here today. 

We met our friends at Macaroni Grill and since our tables at home were all set for bunco, it worked out well.  We sat with Cathy and Rich, something we have never had the opportunity to do before and ended up sitting and talkng after the others had left.  It was so nice getting to know them better.

Today all my culinary efforts were rewarded with lots of compliments.  I had made two quiches, summer sausage and crackers, a cinnamon coffee cake, a raspberry trifle and pumpkin dip served with graham crackers and apple slices. There was coffee, OJ, iced tea, water and soft drinks.  It takes some doing to host bunco but I only have to do it once a year.  The other months I am the guest.

I have.a little breathing room the next few days but something always comes up it seems.

Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. ” ~ Lao Tzu

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