Thursday, January 24, 2013

Busy Wednesday

Ted went trapshooting with the fellows Wednesday morning and I made cookies for Margarita night. My Christmas exchange gift at the neighborhood luncheon was a jar with Cookies For Santa contents. I had to add egg, vanilla and butter. Making them for others kept us from eating them.

As soon as Ted came home we went to McAllen to the Senior Expo. Boy am I grateful for our good health. We didn't need any physical therapy, rehab, pain management, etc. which constituted lots of booths. I did have my eyes checked but with the mono vision cataract lenses, I was 20/400 in the eye with the close-up lens. It was 20/30 in the distance eye. She said it only checks for distance and there was no way to check that other eye. I am not sure what will happen when I renew my driver's license. I do have glasses and I was 20/20 in both eyes with them at the doctor so I may need to be tested in them. Then my license will say Corrective Lenses but I don't really need them to drive!

We visited all the booths and collected lots of things. We both won a coupon for a free package of bacon from HEB, two drink cozies from the duty free liquor store as you enter Mexico along with two $5 off coupons. My Sam's Club renewal was due so I did that and received a $10 gift card and large box of Ziploc freezer bags. There were lots of pens, candy and calendars too. I also picked up lots of info on South Padre Island for Cindy & Tim who are coming 2/6. Ted won a long stem pink rose for me somewhere while I was renewing Sam's Club. Since admission was free I would say we came out OK.

Next stop was Spikes Ford. The other dually being worked on was still on the oversized lift. Until that one gets finished they can't start on ours. Since Ford is paying for the rental we don't care. The Altima is easier to park and uses way less fuel than our truck so a little more time is fine with us.

On the way home we stopped at Chimney Park and bought tickets for the Patsy Cline legend show. Then we called Jay & Stella and asked if they wanted to go and they said yes. So Ted went back in and bought two more. We stopped by and dropped off their tickets and visited for awhile. They had been out for lunch with Tom & Judy who are staying in Edinburgh this year instead of at Mission West. We were sorry we missed them.

We arrived home in time to grab the cookies and head to the clubhouse. Margaritas are free and everyone brings something to share. I had a small bowl of chili, a little salad, a small roll with ham salad and a junior butterfinger for dessert. My cookies were gone quickly because they were homemade. Next week I will take something more substantial. I just wanted those cookies out of here. We sat with Don and Trudy and talked about all their dance training since they were kids.

It hit 83 degrees and 90s are predicted for next week. Good thing I brought some shorts and my bathing suit along! Life is good in the valley.

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