Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Still Trucking Along

Ted's endoscopy went well but the doctor did biopsy two spots and removed a nodule at the junction of the stomach and esophagus. He said he didn't think any of it was anything but he was being careful. His office called today and said it was negative on the nodule and irritation from reflux on the others. He is to continue his Nexium and see him again next year. Those waits sure can be long! We give thanks to God for the good report.

Ted's Christmas present arrived on Friday and he spent a lot of time over the weekend and the first of the week at the gun club. He is happy with his new toy and I'm happy for him. He doesn't smoke, drink, or carouse around but he does bet on the lottery. I can deal with his little "man cave" and the time he spends with his buddies. Everyone needs something to do in retirement.

We played Canasta Saturday night and I won third place which gave us our $10 back. We always enjoy subbing in this group. We get called frequently because there are 8 couples and it seems there is always someone who can't make it.

Sunday I spent time on the computer with My Family Tree Maker and my new subscription to I've made some headway on our family tree for the next reunion. I was proud when I hit 100 people included. Gerre then said she had 15,000 people! She has books and books of things. I'll be a long time catching up I think. I'm trying to get the bottom part of the tree filled in with my generation on down. Then I'll work on the ancestor part in earnest. Right now I do have eight generations so that's a great start. We figured out one of my problems is I knew eight of my grandparents (Kelly had 10 when she was born) and that takes you off on tangents in every direction. I'm focusing on Joseph C. Homer, my maternal great grandfather, whose family of three children and descendants populate the reunion we hold every two years.

My Third Monday Bunco group met on Monday and we had two new ladies join us. We have two spots to fill and they have expressed an interest. One will fill a vacancy and the other is waiting to see if my friend Michele is going to drop out. She has her 90+ year old mother at home, her husband with slight dementia in need of a new hip replacement since the other is one of the bad ones and she is now hospitalized with shingles. I stopped to visit her and her face is a mess. I know she is under tremendous stress and that is making things worse. She doesn't need to worry about making it to bunco. We'll let it ride for awhile to see how things go. The decision will be hers.

Tuesday is my day at the thrift shop. I have to say I really enjoy working with the Forum ladies there. There was so much stacked up that we were in each other's way so I took the basket of things to be set aside for poundage and cut buttons off. I filled a container like you would pack a sandwich in only a bit deeper. That's a lot of buttons! However, I wasn't as tired as I normally am when I stand and unpack bags and boxes for four hours.

Today was genealogy and we had a good group. Everyone has done something and several have beautiful books, pictures, trees, etc. All are doing ancestors, I'm the only one still working on descendants. But some day, someone will be happy I have all that information down on paper.

Ted had an eye appointment this afternoon and I went with him to drive him home after his eyes were dilated. He has a change in his prescription so he'll be getting that done soon. He needed a second prescription so he can send his shooting safety glasses away to be changed also.

Tomorrow is my premier performance as Dwayne, the ugly cowboy stepbrother. Wish me luck!

"Life has no rehearsals, only performances." ~ Anonymous


Kristin said...

Hope your performance as Dwayne went well!

Carol said...

Yeah, prayers are answered! (Now, if we only knew about my other half!) Really, I'm so pleased that everything worked out with Ted's tests results - I know that you both are relieved.