Monday, July 11, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa Things

We did ordinary things this weekend. Jay likes to eat breakfast out and with our busy schedule, his tank problem, scheduled lunches, etc. we just didn't' have the opportunity to show him a Greek restaurant breakfast. I miss these kinds of restaurants in Texas; it's IHOP or nothing down there.

We chose Gold Star Family Restaurant that also gives a 10% senior discount. For $5.50 you get two eggs, two bacon strips, two sausage links, a piece of ham with pineapple, home fries and toast. I didn't want all of that but Ted told me to order it and he would eat what I didn't want. I ate my eggs, bacon, 2 of the 3 pancakes I ordered instead of potatoes and skipped the toast. He ate the sausage and ham. I think everyone left something on their plate.

We parted company and Ted dropped me at the nail salon and he went shooting. He came back for me later and we went to Kelly's to assess the bathroom needs for the papering. We wanted to stay in town to go to church at 4 p.m.

Afterwards we met Kara and family plus Jay & Stella at Miguel's since Jay was hankering for some Mexican food. In Texas he probably eats it 3-4 times a week! They made the salsa right at the table and it was very good. I ordered Mahi-Mahi grilled. It was topped with garlic, lime and cilantro and was quite tasty. The restaurant got a seal of approval from Jay the expert. The owner came over twice and talked to us and to hear our limited repertoire of Spanish.

We came back to the campground for our final campfire. We probably have enough wood for one more but we're going to be so busy that I doubt we have one. We'll just leave the wood and someone will scavenge it after we leave. Jay and Stella pulled out about 10 on Sunday heading to Travese City. There aren't too many left in our loop at the campground.

We planned a visit to Barb and Randy's for Sunday afternoon. I worked with Barb almost 25 years ago at Voplex. But Ted received a call asking him to come to Walled Lake to try out a demo gun he has been looking at. So we hurried to get ready, used the GPS, and successfully managed our way around all the lakes in this part of the state. Ted tried the gun, made arrangements to meet Paul at The World in San Antonio in October and we arrived at Barb's right on time.

They live on Lake Oakland and the houses are stunning! One fellow has his own helicopter in the backyard and can take off right over the lake. We had some appetizers and drinks, went for an hour and a half ride on their boat and came back for burgers off the grill. It amazes me how we can see people once a year and just pick up where we left off and can talk for hours.

It was after eight when we headed home. I fell asleep on the couch some time after 10. All that fresh air wore me out. I was bummed I forgot my camera in the rush to leave. There were so many beautiful yards to photograph.

We went in mid-morning to Kelly's on Monday. Ted went for a haircut and I began to wallpaper. Even for all my 5Ks and days at Disney, the up and down, reaching and stretching of wallpapering reminds me I'm no spring chicken anymore. Kelly and Ted helped bringing me what I needed, holding things, etc. but it was 6:30 before I finished. Kelly said she was ecstatic so I hope Pat feels the same way.

Ted left to take Sam to his first playoff game and Kelly took me to Kara's. She had four friends over - Joy from NY, the other three to visit with Kara and Joy. We all had dinner and then Ted and Sam returned victorious. There is a second playoff game on Wednesday. Ted was nailed by a foul ball and has a nasty bruise/cut on his forearm. He plans to be at the next playoff game.

We brought the kids home with us so Kara and Joy can spend the day together. Tonight is the Centurion Induction and we're all going to attend. It's a big day for Kara!

“The simplest toy, one which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent.”~ Sam Levenson

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