Monday, October 7, 2024

And Two More Birthdays

All of a sudden it was 10/1 and time to play Shanghai at the country club. Not only did Irene provide a Birthday cake for me to share, I came in second.  Won some dimes to put in my little card purse.

Thursday was Continental Breakfast and I saw so many friends I have not seen in awhile.  Jan is in a new house and that is always fun to see and admire.  

On Friday afternoon Fidelia stopped by with a gift and mini Bundt cake for me to share after I told her the 3 cakes we had for Ted was really all the cake we needed for awhile.  It was just the right size to cut in half for each of us to have a piece. 

Friday was also CeCe’s birthday and Kelly FaceTimed us from Ally’s house so we could see CeCe open her gifts from us.  She was having a party in the park the next day and I wanted her to connect the gifts to us instead of getting lost in the shuffle.  Fancy socks to wear with her fancy dress in the fancy restaurant on the ship.  That was a directive to Kelly, “tell Lolly I need fancy socks.”  A baby doll because when I checked her daycare photos she was always carrying a black baby doll by the arm.  I found one in white, brown, black so her being half Hispanic, I opted for brown!  Kelly said she immediately put it on her tricycle and rode her around.  Next was a Mickey sweatsuit that she put away in her drawer.  Last was a Christmas ornament carousel that plays It’s A Small World, her very favorite.  She has a Gift to Minors account at Morgan Stanley that we contribute to that she knows nothing about.

She wanted curls like her daddy’s for the party.  I think she had a very good 5th birthday party.  

Saturday after church and taking communion to Jeanette and Dick, we went to Del Frisco’s for dinner.  It was homecoming week and we were seated next to a Sweet 16 birthday party so lots of people and noise.  But the food was excellent, the waiter attentive and it was interesting watching the young folks.  There was a 1 and a 6 balloon at the party table so Ted told the young lady she looked great for 61!  At least she laughed!  

We have been doing our best to help maintain the yard next to us.  We have service every week but he finally agreed to once a month.  With fall, the normal debris increases dramatically!  And the driveway and walkway were absolutely black.  Fidelia sent Josh over to clean it.  The guy putting up our common fence asked me if the house was abandoned!  So I may get in trouble but it isn’t doing my house value any favors though it makes my yard look fantastic.  They are due back 11/7 so he will be glad or mad!  

Sunday was our annual Neighbor’s Night Out when you are supposed to have a street party and meet your neighbors.  But ours was in the afternoon.  The police come and the fire trucks come.  Kids love it but we only have one kid in the neighborhood!  Our neighborhood is more “ between the big house with pool to the Senior Independent Living” so many of us will end up at.  I learned one of our original birthday club ladies and her husband are moving to The Landings as they both are experiencing various problems.

And Life marches on!

Monday, September 30, 2024

The Big Birthday Week

The week after our return wasn’t too busy.  I had my 6 month routine visit to my PCP which produced an alarming uptick in my creatine score.  It has always been a tad over the “high “ reading but was consistent.  Since April there was a big jump.  So I have to see a kidney doctor but can’t get an appointment until December!  We are thinking the pentagabin I was given 3 times a day for a month during my superficial thrombosis phlebitis may be the culprit.  It apparently clears through the kidneys as opposed to the liver.  Dr. C was not alarmed at the delayed appointment so I am using this time to drink lots and lots of water, avoid excessive protein and not do extreme exercise!  I have that last one covered for sure!

Our Newcomers luncheon was that same week and I invited my neighbor and our other friend to attend. They are both from South Africa and the speaker owns a tour company specializing in South African safaris.  As fate would have it, he and his wife sat across from us and they had great conversation.  It is my thank you to them because they insist on driving me to Hobby Airport at the end of October when Ted is in San Antonio.  It is over an hour away, right through Houston in horrendous traffic!  

Ted’s 80th birthday was Friday and my girls and their husbands flew in to have dinner at Perry’s Steakhouse with us.  The ruse was Kristin was taking us for both our birthdays and when we arrived they were all there at the table.  He teared up when he saw them all!  

Previously I had invited Ted’s friends and some couples we are both friends with to our favorite Mexican restaurant for a surprise party.  So the kids stayed on.  I booked for 30, had to browbeat some gun club folks for an answer and at the last minute our friend Tommy had a heart attack and another friend Jay was taken ill so we went from 30 to 24 to 22 to 20!  I had a lot of help from Anna next door and the girls with getting things settled at the restaurant.  Going to church and this restaurant afterwards is routine so Ted was flabbergasted when he walked in.  Two in a row!  A little tearing up once again.  

It was quite a success and by his reaction I am convinced he was surprised both times.  I fixed a big breakfast both Saturday and Sunday mornings with Ted and Pat helping.  And today I changed sheets on three beds and have done at least 5 loads of laundry.  A small price to pay to have them all here at the same time.  The Michigan folks flew home Sunday afternoon and Kristin is returning to Orlando today.  

And we are now 12 days from Bon Voyage on the Disney Magic to celebrate CeCe’s 5th and my 79th birthdays!  I hope those hurricanes all Peter out before then. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

New England in Fall

 We had an 8:30 am flight out of Hobby to Dallas to catch another flight on to Boston.  That required a very early wake up call!  I had the boarding passes on my phone stored in My Wallet with photos saved too … just in case!  I also had our parking confirmation saved!  Parking has to be one of the most lucrative businesses to be in!  

We made it into Boston right on time and caught the bus to the Embassy Suites.  Tom and Eileen were there waiting for us.  They had the appetizer display out before dinner but we didn’t see a restaurant anywhere.  Even the Starbucks coffee counter was closed.  We ate lots of cheese and crackers and chips and salsa.  The next day we were told by others that the bar that we were sitting by was actually where you could order food!  Who knew?  We don’t drink and never approached the bar!

This was a very “up and at ‘em” itinerary.  Bags out and breakfast at 6:30, bus leaves at 7:45!  No one was ever late!  I think I went to bed at 8:30 every night!

First stop was a very in depth bus tour of Boston.  What a beautiful city.   Here is Paul Revere on his midnight ride with the North Church (one if by land, two if by sea) in the background.  Our weather was lovely all week except our last day when we returned to the airport.  

Next stop was Hyannisport where we stopped for lunch at a lobster roll walk up.  I managed a tuna salad sandwich and Ted got his perpetual hamburger!  Bob and Beth joined us and she shared a popcorn shrimp with Ted.  He said he would have ordered that if be had seen it!  Bob is wearing his Trump 2024 hat and said he was wearing it all week.  Quite gutsy for the area we were traversing!  We chose to sit outside with a view of the bay.

We stopped at Plymouth Rock which is quite “really?”  Sort of like we get when someone sees the Alamo for the first time!  There was a replica of the Mayflower you could tour too but we didn’t have enough time.

We rode to the forearm of “the Cape” ferry and toured some beaches.  What shocked me was the multitude of horseshoe crab carcasses cluttering the beach.  I did some research and that is what they leave behind, not only the big shell but all the legs too.  It makes a whole new shell but apparently takes its organs with them.  They are big and their shells are all over the place!  

We then rode a ferry to Martha’s Vineyards and toured the island neighborhoods by bus.  We did not see Obama’s house!  A million dollars goes nowhere here!  Even several million won’t do the trick.

Next day was Newport and Mystic.  One of our “bathroom stops” was the Basketball Hall of Fame.  With the big buses (ours was a couple million dollar Prevost), you can’t stop just anywhere.  It had an interesting lobby and hand dryers like basketballs!  Certainly more interesting than just a rest area.  On to Newport! 

Of course we had to tour The Breakers!  It is beautifully ornate but makes my head spin thinking of all the help for the house, kitchen, laundry, gardens, etc. to care for a house of this size.  

On to Vermont!  We stopped in Bennington at a museum with the most extensive paintings of Grandma Moses.  She was quite prolific for someone who was discovered in her 70s.  There was a lot of info on her family as well as her career. 

 I spotted this large painting in another gallery.  What caught my eye is this lady is in Monet’s garden.  One of  my very favorite trips was our one from Nice on the Mediterranean Sea to Normandy, France,  a day trip was to Monet's home in Giverny.  It was spring, the flowers were in bloom and I saw the exact spot where he must have sat to paint his teal bridge and water lilies!  

Next up was Calvin Coolidges’s home in Vermont.  They had “notches” of neighborhoods of sort which eventually banded together to make small cities.  This one included his home, church, general store, mill, etc.  He was a low key laid back person.

We stopped late afternoon in Mystic CT for overnight. We were taken to the Mystic Seaport Museum. They are restoring huge whaling ships and that was interesting but most things were not open or had no docents.  Sort of a bust due to the late arrival.  

On to New Hampshire!  Here we learned all about making maple syrup.  Technology has come a long way from hanging a bucket on a tree!  Of course we brought some home.

Our last stop was in Ogunquit, ME.  We took a Casco Bay tour and saw two different forts and two lighthouses plus all the beautiful homes along the coast.  Our route took us past the Bush compound in Kennebunkport.  It sits out on a peninsula overlooking the water.  Very picturesque.

This was by far the best hotel.  All had been very nice accommodations but this was an entire resort complex with a huge, wide beach, pools, hot tubs, bars and restaurants.  

We were on our own for lunch after our boat tour so we started walking toward businesses.  Many restaurants have closed for the season or only open for dinner so no specific one is recommended.  We saw two fellows walking with pizza boxes from two different places.  We asked where they got it.  First he started giving directions and then said “Oh just go up the street to Anthony’s.”  So we did.  It was like eating on the Soprano’s set.  Anthony was friends with the writer.  The food was excellent, Anthony came out to greet us and show his family photos, soprano memorabilia all over the place!  What fun!

Our last evening’s dinner was back at the ANCHORAGE BY THE SEA  resort.  Lobster night!  Tom and Eileen ordered lobster.  I received linguine with chicken and Ted got plain grilled chicken and a baked potato.  Neither liked their lobster!!  

I can now finish the story of Bob.  He was not harassed at all about his hat, a couple people said I like your hat.  There was no political talk that we heard.  On the last bus ride we had a Chinese souvenir exchange. Forty two gifts, pick one, keep or trade.  Item can be stolen repeatedly.  #1 who picks first gets last steal.

So I get #1!  I choose a gift and it is the hat!  Later on my hat is stolen two times but not much interest which we expected.  A lady was wearing the hat and our director says Donna was #1 she gets last steal.  I stood up and said “The great state of Texas casts all of its electoral votes for Donald J. Trump and I’ll have my hat back!”  The bus erupted in applause, cheers and laughter.  People stopped me to say my speech made their trip.

What a fun way to end our trip in Blue territory.